DevLog #9: A few productive days!

Welcome, Eco-Activists!

“Eco Quest: Explore, Discover, Protect!” has been steadily improving since our previous update, with a focus on making it more engaging and visually attractive. The work we’ve done is exciting, so let’s delve into it.

Completed Artwork: A Realm Revives

An incredible metamorphosis has taken place in our game’s initial stage. The completed artwork is now live in our urban environment, thanks to the addition of dynamic features, complex textures, and vivid colours. It really brings Kai’s world to life. This city is more than meets the eye; it serves as the backdrop for our adventure, designed with great care to immerse players in Kai’s journey right from the start.

Shining a Light: The Mysteries of SpriteIlluminator

Our sprites needed more visual depth and realism, therefore we used SpriteIlluminator to make all the normal maps. The addition of dynamic lighting effects that exquisitely respond to the game’s surroundings has been made possible by this astounding technology. So what happened? A more interesting and aesthetically pleasing experience that emphasises the contrast between the lit pathways that Kai needs to follow and the dark alleyways he must traverse.

Creating a More Sustainable Future: A Levelled Approach

An important part of our trip was making the level structure better. We rethought the level design to make it more user-friendly and interesting, with the goal of making sure that every component of the level contributes to Kai’s tale while simultaneously presenting obstacles to the player. In keeping with Kai’s goal to save and conserve, we have integrated environmental riddles into the updates to promote exploration and inquiry.

Bringing Life to the Departure: Kai’s Gateway to Efficiency

Start of animation on Kai’s “Exit Portal”—the portal between levels in the game—is one of the most thrilling breakthroughs. This isn’t your average animation; it depicts Kai’s development as the game progresses. An exciting new chapter is about to begin, and the gateway animation is taking form as a spectacular spectacle to mark the turning point between old and new.

Looking Ahead

Although this upgrade signifies a considerable advancement, it is only the initial phase. Our goal is to provide an enjoyable game that promotes environmental responsibility and optimism, and as we work to improve “Eco Quest,” we are constantly reminded of its importance.

As we continue on our adventure with “Eco Quest: Explore, Discover, Protect!” we will be sure to keep you posted with more information, previews, and glimpses behind the scenes.

Until we meet again, continue your quests for knowledge and safety!